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Examples of my work
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Below is a little more information about the work I am currently up to

Advising funders on resourcing young feminist activists 

I accompany funders in developing their strategies to resource and build meaningful partnerships with girls and young activists. A most recent example is supporting the design of the Child Investment Fund Foundation Young Feminist Movements Investment Strategy. 


Designing meaningful participation models

I support meaningful participation and decentralising of power and decisions. Over the last few years I have worked with movement organisations and funders to rethink how they work with communities they serve and shape their decision making structures, advisories and grant making models. This has included working with EmpowerPurposeful / Global Resilience Fund, Equality Fund and Numun Fund

Research + knowledge building

I have co-written and co-led a range of research the last 10 years focused on young feminists and funding. This includes Resourcing Girls to Thrive, Feminist Co-Leadership  and co-wrote the Weathering the Storm: Resourcing girls through a pandemic.

Storytelling and creative documentation

I have a love for beautiful documentation, storytelling and building narrative power. I am currently working on The Girls Resistance Stories - a feminist storytelling project with activists and artists. Earlier this year, I accompanied a team of young activists and funders to co-design the With and For Girls Strategic Planning process, working with graphic recorders from across the world to curate this zine documenting the process.

"Feet what do I need you for when I have wings to fly."


Frida Khalo

© 2023. Ruby Amelia Johnson

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